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Best Practice


Laverstock Physiotherapy offers an experienced personalised physiotherapy service specialising in the assessment and treatment

of musculo-skeletal problems. We cater for all ages and levels of fitness.


Initial consultation will usually be 45 minutes to assess your problem thoroughly by specific questioning and physical examination. We will begin treatment and work out a plan of further action.


Subsequent follow-up sessions will usually last up to 30 minutes.


Here are some typical injuries and problems we can help you with and a selection of the various treatments available.


Physiotherapists are trained to assess your condition, diagnose the problem and help you understand what is wrong. Your treatment plan will take into account your lifestyle, activities and general health.


Physiotherapists are experts in movement and function who work in partnership with their patients , assisting them to overcome movement disorders. It is important that you follow the advice in carrying out the physio exercises and stretches in between each appointment as this will speed recovery .


Physiotherapy can help recovery from injury, reduce pain and stiffness and increase mobility.


A physiotherapist can also help you prevent further injury by listening to your needs and working with you to plan the most appropriate treatment for your condition, including setting goals and treatment outcomes.


As first contact practitioners a doctor’s referral is not necessary to see a physiotherapist.


Coming back from injury?


Coming back from illness?


Coming back from an operation?


We are the experts. We assess the best way for you to regain your function, to manage, improve and overcome pain. Returning to work, to home life, to the hobbies and sports you love.


You will find Sports Activity Specific programmes here, returning your strength, speed and skills as quickly as possible.


We work with your surgeons on their protocols and guide you through each step until your independence is gained. Our experience will help you through times of doubt and uncertainty which are common in injury and often demotivate. Just when you need a boost, we are with you.


Don’t forget being prepared for an operation often improves the outcome! You will find Pre-op advice and exercise HERE

Active Life Preparation and Recovery

Active Life Preparation and Recovery: from Sport to Work (and back again)


Why wait until you are injured: prepare and recover like the Pros. Use our assessment, screening and advice service to prevent injuries and improve your performance.


We have biomechanical assessment and corrective programmes for everything from sitting at a desk to running a marathon. Improve flexibility and core stability, make use of our preparatory soft tissue work and therapeutic taping.


When it’s all over recover like the pros. Loosen up tight muscles and tease out the soft tissue knots with ‘on the bench physio’. Try acupuncture and therapeutic taping to be ready for the next challenge. At the same time we’ll check for any potential future gremlins and deal with them early. We won’t let them snowball out of control and each time you come you’ll be better at spotting them yourself.


Don’t forget to book early before big events!


Acupuncture is one of the many skills employed within physiotherapy as part of an integrated approach to the management of pain and inflammation.


Acupuncture can reduce pain by stimulating the brain and spinal cord to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins, melatonin (which promotes sleep) and serotonin to promote well-being. These chemicals assist the body’s healing processes and offer pain relief as a precursor to other treatments such as manual therapy or exercise.


Acupuncture involves the use of single-use pre-sterilised disposable needles that pierce the skin at the acupuncture points. A number of needles may be used during each treatment and these are left in position for 20 – 30 minutes.


Alternatively, trigger point acupuncture or dry needling may be used to relax specific tight muscles. The needle acts as a foreign body inducing a local reaction in the tissue, facilitating stretching and rehabilitation.


Needles can be coupled to the electrodes of an electroacupuncture machine. These units deliver electrical impulses which further stimulates the brain. This technique is useful in the management of chronic pain problems e.g. arthritic knee.

Neck and Back Pain 




Thoracic Pain 


Sports Injuries - Strains and Spains 


Ligament, Cartilage and Muscle Strains 


​Headaches coming from the neck



Joint replacement

Rehabilitation following fractures

Tennis and golfers elbow

Shoulder and rotator cuff injuries


Overuse injuries eg RSI , tendonitis , tendinopathies, wrist pain






Conditions Treated


Joint mobilisation and manipulation

​Acupuncture for pain relief

Electrotherapy : Ultrasound, Interferential, Laser


Exercise prescription


Postural and ergonomic advice




Sports Rehabilitation


Therapeutic Taping


Post Operative Rehabilitation


Rehabilitation before and after surgery

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